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Do you have any healthy meal?
Hi, we offer a wide variety of food items such as burgers, salads, nuggets and…
How many calories are you 20 piece nuggets?
Hi, find out more about our foods by visiting the nutrition calculator on our…
How many kalory in mcflory
Hi, find out more about our foods by visiting the nutrition calculator on our…
How much calorie does a Mac. Veggie Burger…
Hi, our McVeggie was offered for a limited time only, but as a customer-centric…
Hi, find out more about our foods by visiting the nutrition calculator on our…
How many calories are in the new Chicken…
Hi, our Chicken Crunch is a limited menu food item and nutrition information is…
How much calories are in the rice and…
Hi, our rice and chicken meal is a limited menu food item and nutrition…
Nutrition values of burger
Hi, find out more about our burgers by visiting the nutrition calculator on our…
How many calories are in karak tea?
Hi, find out more about our foods by visiting the nutrition calculator on our…
Are your burgers gluten free
Hi, our World Famous Fries, hash browns and beef patties are gluten free…
How many calories in the ceaser salad with…
Hi, find out more about our foods by visiting the nutrition calculator on our…